e-ISSN 2395-3950, p-ISSN 2395-440X

impact factor - 1.5

We would like to Inform all our subsribers, Authors and visitors that we have got our first Impact factor with our quality articles. We are under process to get impact factor with some more authentic bodies. We are greatful to all participating authors to make this journal a success.

impact factor - 1.5

Best Paper Award

This to certify that International Research and Publications in Medical Sciences (IRPMS) editorial team has considered to present the best paper award to the corresponding author Kristine Joy G. Boholst, Noli A. Cabildo, David Vi for publishing his outstanding research paper in IRPMS, Volume-3, Issue-4, Oct-Dec entitled as 1. FACTORS FOR TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT RELAPSE AMONG PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY TAKING CATEGORY 1 STANDARD TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT REGIMEN IN SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES OF ILOCOS SUR.

Best Paper Award :
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About Us

International Research and Publications in Medical Sciences (IRPMS) is an International Journal, which is peer-reviewed open access online and print journal. Open access means that your work will always be freely available to the world from our web site. And open access translates into greater usage and more citations.

Inclusive Scope Most conventional journals publish papers from tightly defined subject areas, making it more difficult for readers from other disciplines to read them. IRPMS has no such barriers, which helps your research reach the entire scientific community.

News & Events

  • We are glad to inform you that IRPMS Jounal has been Indexed in the INDEX COPERNICUS ICI Journal Master List 2016.


    The Index Copernicus Value for year 2016 is :    ICV 2016: 69.70.

  • World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)
  • IRPMS Journal is a member of World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)

  • Membership COPE
  • IRPMS Journal is also a reputated member of COPE (Committee ON Public Ethics).