This to certify that International Research and Publications in Medical Sciences (IRPMS) editorial team has considered to present the best paper award to the corresponding author Kristine Joy G. Boholst, Noli A. Cabildo, David Vi for publishing his outstanding research paper in IRPMS, Volume-3, Issue-4, Oct-Dec entitled as 1. FACTORS FOR TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT RELAPSE AMONG PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY TAKING CATEGORY 1 STANDARD TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT REGIMEN IN SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES OF ILOCOS SUR.
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Akhilesh Pathak, VY Shukla, JS Tanna
Down syndrome (Trisomy-21) is a genetic disorder, which can be easily diagnosed during the pregnancy by simple screening methods like ultrasound. Antenatal screening of Down syndrome should be available as a routine component of standard antenatal care at all levels of health care system. In developing countries like India it is very difficult to provide such health care facilities and hence the undiagnosed cases of congenital anomalies are also quite common. We here present a case in which the radiological finding of the fetus was showing unusual radiological findings and hence the aborted fetus was sent to the autopsy examination and was confirmed as Tisomy-21.
Key-words: Antenatal screening, Sonographgy, Congenital anomalies, Downs Syndrome, Trisomy-21, Anencephaly.
PubMed Style
Pathak A, Shukla VY, Tanna JS. Unusual Radiological Findings and Autopsy Confirmation of a Rare case of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Int Res Pub Med Sci. 2016; 2(2):108-111.
Web Style
Pathak A, Shukla VY, Tanna JS. Unusual Radiological Findings and Autopsy Confirmation of a Rare case of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). [Access: July 10, 2016].
AMA (American Medical Association) Style
Pathak A, Shukla VY, Tanna JS. Unusual Radiological Findings and Autopsy Confirmation of a Rare case of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Int Res Pub Med Sci. 2016; 2(2): 108-111.
Vancouver/ICMJE Style
Pathak A, Shukla VY, Tanna JS. Unusual Radiological Findings and Autopsy Confirmation of a Rare case of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Int Res Pub Med Sci. 2016; 2(2): 108-111.
Harvard Style
Pathak A, Shukla VY, Tanna JS.(2016) Unusual Radiological Findings and Autopsy Confirmation of a Rare case of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Int Res Pub Med Sci. 2(2): 108-111.